Thursday, December 4, 2008

Don't Let the Bitches Get You Down

You're going to be hearing a lot about my work experiences on this blog - there's just too much good raw material to waste!

I work in corporate america. After many years post-college spent in production work, shooting videos, writing scripts, and putting magazines together, I got this crazy idea in my head. I decided that as fun as road-tripping and smoking and drinking my time away with my co-workers was, making money would be even more fun (you can afford to do more road-tripping, smoking and drinking, right?) And that's when I drank the kool-aid. I didn't even know it at the time - I was too ecstatic over doubling my salary overnight.

And that is when I began a career in corporate whoredom. I think I always knew that I was built to work in a world of control-freak, type A+, demanding, dirty, we-eat-our-young corporate types. I just fought it off for as long as I could, scared that my first kill would whet my appetite for more. What I didn't bargain for is the level of gore and destruction I would witness, and how many times I would have to turn my head away and not watch as good people were dismembered, skinned and feasted upon post-mortem.

I've seen careers ended, managers impale themselves on their own swords, clients demanding contracts to be renegotiated, and grown men and women crying in their cubicles.

I intend to chronicle these moments in this blog, with a particular focus on the worst monsters of all - The Bitches.

I don't mean "bitch" in the colloquial way, as in "you're my bitches." Bitch in this context also isn't referring to the way your wife or your girlfriend can sometimes be "a bitch." A bitch in this context is referring to a woman who is an expert at manipulation. A woman who breaks spirits like you break in a new pair of shoes. A woman who has absolutely no moral compass. A woman who hates men but hates women more. If you are a woman who works in the corporate world, you have a Bitch story.

I hope you will find my "Bitch" entries as equally horrifying and hilarious as I have over the years. I invite you to share any of your own!


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